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Aqua & Poultry

Aqua & Poultry

Applications of Modern Water Technology in Aqua & Poultry:


Aquaculture, the cultivation of fish and prawns and poultry, the rearing of hens for purpose of eggs and meat, and water play a major role.
Providing the right quality of water significantly increases viability and profitability. Because of a lack of knowledge and awareness, most poultry and Aquafarms are using hard water for their daily needs as well as for the cultivation process. Hard water is one of the major culprits for poor performance in aquaculture as well as for poultry. Now the right and simple solution at your disposal, AQUOTICS is a time-tested simple way to convert and re-structure hard water to perfect soft water.


Advantages of AQUOTICS in Poultry and Aquaculture:

  • AQUOTICS re-structured water is a perfect medium for aquaculture, especially for prawn culture with less turbidity and low molecular size ensuring good growth of prawns.
  • AQUOTICS water conditioner provides a real boon to those who practice aquaculture by improving the quality of water and thus the Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).
  • Through AQUOTICS, you can improve the quality of water reducing the chances for water contamination which decreases the harmful microbial growth.
  • AQUOTICS helps in reducing water turbidity and the size of water molecules which will aid in modifying the pond’s environment favoring faster and healthy growth of fish and prawns.
  • AQUOTICS treated water improves oxygen levels water, vital for healthy growth.
  • AQUOTICS works best during the summer season especially when the temperature is above 38 degrees centigrade which usually makes the water more turbid.
  • AQUOTICS increases the yield both quality-wise and quantity-wise.
  • In poultry, the prevailing major issues are thinning of eggshells and the decrement in chicken’s egg-laying capacity. Using AQUOTICS conditioned water, you can eradicate this situation on your farm.
  • This water improves disease-fighting resistance by increasing natural immunity.