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About Us


Our vision is to improve the quality of water for everyone in the most convenient and affordable way possible.

AQUOTIC SOLUTIONS is promoted by a team with extensive and relevant experience in the field of electronics, water analysis, and agriculture, we offer a practical, no-nonsense solution to the stubborn problem of Hardness in Water whether it is for Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, or Agricultural use.

 At AQUOTICS, all our products such as Water Conditioners with advanced Electronic technology are backed by rigorous research and field validation resulting in products and services that are cost-effective, technologically advanced, and maintenance-free providing soft water that is good for use, saves your machinery, and high yields in farming. The Advanced Water Conditioners are not only helpful in utilizing water effectively for Residential, Industrial, Agricultural purposes but also for Poultry, Aqua, Swimming Pools & Golf Surfaces also at large.

Our products are built in India meeting global standards enabling us to promise a ‘never before’ 20 years of performance assurance under harsh Indian weather conditions giving you savings and peace of mind.

Our high-quality product is backed by a technically capable team committed to providing the right advisory services to choose the product, install and service it for an uninterrupted flow of ‘soft water’ forever. 

With AQUOTICS, the Flow of better water never stops!